Rob Elliot (who some of you might have met at Soundcheck 2013 last week) has decided that the much-loved Cadbury Creme Egg would be much better if it was FAIRTRADE - see his message copied below. Let's join him to make a collectively loud voice for justice!
- Go onto the Cadbury Creme Egg facebook page
- Post on the wall a message saying why you want a fairtrade creme egg!
- Be polite and lovely! (Rob's message below is a great example)
- Scroll down the 'recent posts by others' (on the right hand side), and when you spot others writing with the same message, 'LIKE' their post
- Start praying that it'll make a difference!
What Rob wrote...
Dear Sir or Madam,
the other day, with great pleasure my fiance and I tucked into the iconic Cadbury Creme Egg. The are yummy and I very much enjoy the taste.
Sadly the enJOYment was somewhat diminished by the fact that they are not made from Fair Trade chocolate.
I noticed on your website that a current campaign of Cadburys' is to invite people to design their own Dairy milk bar and that this is described as JOYville.
I wonder if Cadburys have given consideration to making the Creme Egg from Fair Trade chocolate for two reasons. the first being that this would be the ingredient that my fiance, I and many of our friends would choose as the number one ingredient to be added to all of Cadbury's products. The second reason being that this would be a strong way of sharing JOY with all the people involved in the creation and production of the Creme Egg.
A product somewhat linked with Easter time, a time of celebrating new JOY each year and new life.
Things which could be brought to many more people if Cadburys would thoroughly make the change to Fair Trade.
I applaud the efforts that have been made thus far by Cadburys and hope that the Creme Egg, along with all other products will be added to the JOY bringing Fair Trade list of products very soon.