God is our creator, and we want to work with other Flower Model teams to see people develop their creativity in a SPEAK context and encourage creative prayer under the leading of the Holy Spirit that will empower all the other areas of SPEAK.
To contact the arts petal facilitator CLICK HERE
Arts Network
Art. It's a funny thing really. It describes such a huge range of things and provokes a different definition from everybody who hears it. If you consider yourself to be an "artist", in any shape or form, you may well be interested in joining the Arts Network.
The vision - To network artists in their regions so that they can share their ideas and their talents with others in the wider SPEAK Network.
How that might actually work - One of the plans is to hold a central database of artists who can be contacted if something (i.e. an event or gathering of some sort) comes up within a given geographical area (wherever they might like that to be) where they may have the chance to share their work with others.
This is all early days for this at the moment, but if this sounds like a bit of you, contact arts@speak.org.uk to find out a bit more.