Holly is the newest member of the SPEAK NEST team and is settling into her new role in the Office.
Holly studied Biology at University of Bath and has been working in the Christian charity sector for 5 years. Before coming to SPEAK she was working as Development Manager of Climate Stewards, a Christian charity which sets up climate change mitigation projects in Africa. She was also Policy and Advocacy Officer of A Rocha UK, a Christian conservation charity.
She enjoys a wide range of activities, including campaigning, creating and dancing.
She says
"I'm really excited about being part of the SPEAK community and being able to support you guys in all the exciting and inspiring work you're doing. SPEAK brings together all the key things that I'm passionate about - my faith, campaigning, grass roots, creativity and global justice issues. It's really nice to be able to bring these areas together in such a way that they can enhance and empower each other. It sounds like SPEAK has another exciting year ahead of it, with the launch of our new 'Seeding Change' campaign, and I'm looking forward to being a part of such a powerful, dynamic force for good."
Do keep in touch at holly@speak.org.uk