SPEAK is Turning 25 in 2023!!
25 years anniversary of SPEAK either in April 2023 when it will be 25 years since the first ever SPEAK meeting!
September 2023 when in twill be 25 years since the first ever Pray and Post that we produced in September 1998 on refugees and asylum seekers right in UK!!
Join us in the exciting Journey of catalysing some new resources, actions and reflections for social justice!
Read about our journey and track record here: www.speak.org.uk/about-us/history-track-record
Facebook page www.facebook.com/thespeaknetwork
We are going to try and put out some action & prayer requests over the next few weeks on WhatsApp and email.
Please make sure you confirmed your data if you want to receive these
Volunteering In 2023- Call out For Practical Solidarity
SPEAK is a participatory Network. The main thing you can do is keep being active and working for social justice locally, as many of you are doing, and staying in touch with the Network by sharing stories of inspiration.
However, there are specific tasks Network Support Team could really do with help in. The amount of time needed for such tasks can range from ten minutes a month to taking over a whole new area of responsibility in the Network.
We urgently need support in completing the massive SPEAK web site revamp (currently underway behind the scenes)!! We are hoping for this to go live to celebrate SPEAKs 25th Birthday in 2025.
We also have a pipeline of blogs and vlogs we are developing. At the moment they are at the research and development phase. So please do get in touch if you are interested either in helping develop new material, or in giving quick feedback on the material under development! We also need support in 2023 in developing the digital Pray and Posts. We specially want to make accessible ones for people with difficulty reading text so to add audio elements to everything.
Please also get in touch if you have experience in funding applications, or if you want to do some local support of SPEAK people in your area. The email address: admin@speak.org.uk
Spreading The Love... Spreading The Info
We have been given feedback that there has been A LOT OF INFO in Network emails whenever we we send them out.. People have also told us that the gaps between emails are bigger than what would be preferable. People want more emails form us! How exciting!! So Network feedback has been suggesting we spread out the info and send more focused digest-able messages out more often. So please do stay tuned for 2023!
Coming in our Next New Year 2023 Email..
5. SPEAK LINK, Groups and BeSpoke Groups Update
9 Web site updates-
10. Journey Partners Appeal
Out web site is moving from an old operating system to a new one! That's happening over the next few months! So please do bear with us but we are excited to be bringing a whole NEW site to you in 2023 to mark 25 years!!
Donate To Keep SPEAK Going In 2023 and Beyond!!
We could not be the organization we are today without your support. We have a history of amazing campaigns that brought about real changes, and your donations have truly made a difference!
SPEAK DONATE DECEMBER 2022 and January 2023
Or you can instruct your bank to set up a standing order to the following accounts:
Giving to SPEAK
Give to SPEAK’s radical campaigns by supporting SPEAK’s not for profit company:
Account name: SPEAK NETWORK
Sort Code: 089299
Account Number: 65074819
Or support our educational, events and prayer work by supporting the charity, especially if you are eligible for gift aid:
Account Name: SPEAK Network Events Support and Training (sometimes abbreviated to SPEAK NTWRK EVNTS SUPP&TRNING)
Sort Code: 089299
Account Number: 65204126
Standing orders with regular monthly donations make all the difference because they mean we can plan.
If, when you have done this, you can send an email to let us know and say hi that would be a great encouragement to meet you and say hello! But we are also happy for you to stay anonymous too.