We can lose hope and become bitter by the burden of the task. But this often springs from a sense that we are the ones who have been appointed to bring good news to the poor and that the whole world is resting on our shoulders.
Whilst many of us have been called to work for justice in a variety of spheres of life, it is God who is ultimately doing the work. Christ Jesus is the real “anointed one” and He is working with the Father and Holy Spirit to bring His Kingdom of peace and justice to earth. The amazing thing is that He has chosen to use the body of Christ, that is all followers of Jesus, to do this! Rather than work solely through His supernatural sovereign power, He wants to work with us! (Isaiah 61v1) God has a habit of using small, broken things to create big beautiful things - the fact that he wants to use us, with all our massive weaknesses and flaws, is no exception.
Just as with the mustard seed, God will grow His Body into a huge movement, beyond our imagination – and this should empower us rather than drain us.
Once we come to trust that it is God who is bringing good news to the poor we can experience a beautiful peace and simply let him use us. We must pray everyday that we don’t fall into the trap of feeling indispensable and taking the burden on our shoulders, like God can’t manage without us, but rather marvel that despite the dark powers of this world it is God who will bring hope and transformation.
From an article in our magazine, Volumize. To recieve your free copy of Volumize in addition to our Pray & Post Cards 3 times a year click here.