Want to be reinspired, refreshed, renewed and reconnected? Well, SPEAK and friends are gathering together on April 29th to do exactly that.
APRIL 29TH 2017 1PM-10PM The Theatre Oxford House, Derbyshire Street, Bethnal Green, London E2 6HG
Join us as we learn and be in community together whilst equipping ourselves with the tools to help bring about the Kingdom of God in our broken world today.
Now more than ever we need to be fighting for social and ecological justice and against our broken banking system, our inequitable economy and the alienation and atomization of our society under capitalism. Come along - eat wondrous food, meet wonderful people and stop simply wondering what to do about injustice and start acting against it and for a positive new world. SPEAK is partnering Christians on the Left to bring you an epic day of talks and discussions and action planning which may change the direction of activism of our lives individually and collectively at such a crucial time! Please come and be part of the action and discussion!
On Saturday, we’ll be joined, via Skype, by Tony Campolo & Shane Claiborne from the USA who will share their own insights and experiences from decades of working in the Christian social justice movement to inspire us to act for a spiritual and material revolution in the here and now. Tony Campolo is an activist, academic and pastor who co-founded Red Letter Christians - he will speak on the need for Christians to be active in social justice. Shane Claiborne, activist and author of ‘The Irresistible Revolution; Living as an Ordinary Radical’, will be speaking on New Monasticism - Christian communities that combine contemplative spiritual practices with practical engagement with the poor and disenfranchised. We’ll also be hearing other Christians living in community from the Catholic Worker movement as well as the Passionist order.
Shane Claiborne- Skype talk: The Scandal of Grace (or Extremists for Love)- Tearing Down the Walls that seek to be built up in society, and working for 2 things that are desperately needed in society: love and radical change.
Tony Campolo- Skype Talk: - What are the most important issues, that over the next 20 years, activists should be looking at to really turn the tide?
Andy Flanagan- Inspiring worship music and facilitated discussion
Comedy Set with Tony Vino Resident SPEAK Comedian. Just Fair Laughs!
The event is a collaboration between the SPEAK Network and Christians on the Left:
Christians on the Left (http://www.christiansontheleft.org.uk/): An organisation that supports Christian involvement in the left of politics in the UK, particularly in the Labour Party. Previously operating under the name of Christian Socialist Movement, CotL also runs campaigns on issues ranging from tax justice to the living wage, produces resources and helps to mobilise Christians to be active in politics.
SPEAK: a national network of students and young adults who campaign and pray on issues of global justice. Over the almost 2 decades in which we’ve been operating we’ve managed to bring at least 9 policy changes and have engaged thousands of young people in faith and campaigning.
SPEAK Student Debt Campaign: Updates and on going action.
SPEAK Arms Trade Campaign and stop the DSEi arms fair update and info.
Christians on the Left; Update on current campaigns and ways of getting politically involved as a Jesus Centred Justice activist
But we do need people to book in for this event even though the cost minimal so that we can plan for numbers,
This may need to be in a bigger venue later, so stay tuned to the Facebook event page and SPEAK web site for numbers.
Attending the event only costs £3 before April 25th £5 on the door.
Fill in the form below to get tickets: