Back in November SPEAK and a host of other Christian groups launched the Pray And Fast For The Climate initiative, the aim being to get Christians across the country praying and fasting over climate justice on the first day of every month for a year in the run up to the Paris international climate talks this December. And despite having it in my diary, it seems I forgot to join the fast!
Nothing moves us to action more than having your heart broken over injustice, and nothing breaks our hearts over injustice more than spending time in prayer with the God who is Love. When we push through the everyday concerns of our lives into God’s presence, and catch a little glimpse of the world through God’s eyes, we can’t help but be moved to live differently. This is prayer!
I have had breakfast. But there’s still time left for me to forgo lunch. Or I could go a day without raiding the remains of my Easter chocolate. Or perhaps go a day without watching any Switchfoot videos online (or is that too drastic? Hmm...). Most of all, there’s always time to spend in prayer. I have 6 more first-of-the-months in which to improve my spiritual discipline and get better at remembering to join the solidarity fasting. But today and every day I have time to pray.
Join me, whatever date you’re reading this, and let’s get our hearts broken for the change that God wants for our world.