Roger Ellis (Revelation)
Andy Freeman – Trustee – (24-7 Prayer)
Shane Claiborne (writer, and part of The Simple Way)
Andy Harrington (Youth For Christ, Canada)
Andy Hough (Youth for Christ)
Ben Niblett (Tearfund)
Roger & Sue Mitchell - Roger is also a Trustee - (Passion Ministries)
Stephen Rand (Jubilee Debt Campaign)
John Risbridger (UCCF)
Ronald Sider (Author)
Greg Valerio (CRED)
Andy Wales
Council of Reference:
Clive Calver
Tony Campolo (Prof)
Steve Chalke (Oasis Trust)
Martin Drewry (Health Unlimited)
Joel Edwards (Micah Challenge)
Andy Frost (Share Jesus)
Please note that all members take part in a personal capacity and any groups they are linked with are shown for informational purposes.
SPEAK affirms the EA Basis of Faith - for more information, see the ethos section.