• Information for campaigns and action for justice,
• Inspirational meditation for you in groups or on your own
• Links to talks videos and pod casts on important justice issues in our video and audio gallery.
• We send SPEAKs Action and Prayer card digitally via push notification every 2 months.
We are currently applying the resources to develop the SPEAK Beta version into a fuller version. Any positive feedback you can also give helps us to develop the option in the future:
• The option of being put in touch with like minded people in your area.
• The opportunity to link in to specific actions happening in your locality also with our partners.
• More Interactive features for artists to post music and videos
Also perhaps some music to warm and inspire, self nourishment links to our radical community and make new friends who you can take action with.
SPEAK has an 18 year track record of action for Justice, we have changed 9 specific policies- we are effective. Check out our track record:
We send out Radical Info for prayer and action you can use in your Church, Christian Union, Cell Group for 10 mins every 2 months- Be part of a movement that makes things happen.
Feedback Questions
We really would like to ask you to send us feedback and ideas for the app to admin@speak.org.uk . The current version is just the SPEAK NETWORK Beta version and we have plans to take it on from here;
• How do we Make a SPEAK App Interactive ? community building?
• How do we make people feel nourished through phone app not just being issued with lots of campaign action demands what sort of inspiration self nourishing things can we send out such as smoothie recipe’s? Other things?
• How can we share our art work through the app
• CHECK out the Geek alternative university section and the video lectures diary bit!!