SPEAK Links are people who share SPEAK's ethos and regular bi monthly campaigns with their community group, church, Christian Union, cell group or other organisation they are already involved in.
Being a SPEAK link is like being a SPEAK Rep to your community group!
Being a SPEAK Link can be as simple as getting Pray & Post Cards signed in your church three times a year, or you can take your community on an exciting journey as you engage them in creative prayer and actions for justice.
SPEAK links can receive regular campaigns information
- Network emails
- Regular phone app updates https://speak.org.uk/make-difference/speak-phone-app
- Text messages
- Physical mailings- on special request and if you are a donor or a loudspeaker donating a minimum of £2 a month..
You can opt into how many different ways you would like to recieve campaign and prayer info in the Link Peoples Form - https://speak.org.uk/speak-links-web-form
SPEAK Links stay involved in the Network by receiving mailings, checking out the regular goings-on through the SPEAK site, and via contact with the Network Support Team. Many also get involved in the Network at other events such as Flower Model, Vocal Training and Soundcheck, the annual gathering of the SPEAK network, so they can be in touch with what is happening in the Network across the UK and be encouraged and inspired by similar people passionate about Justice.
SPEAK Links are vital in getting a wider number of people involved in our campaigns. Why not get involved yourself?
Legacy of SPEAK Links
SPEAK links have been giving out action cards and motivating others to use them by praying together and campaigning all together for 10 minutes every 2 months for an astounding 18 years. The first mailing for SPEAK links being sent out in September 1998 . They have helped achieved the exciting and astounding track record of SPEAK which we are beginning to document here
However we have now found a new way of sending out this prayer and action info through sending it peoples phones via the SPEAK app or text message. https://speak.org.uk/make-difference/speak-phone-app
‘The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective’. James 5:16 NIV
We find that a lot of profound impact is had by hundreds and often thousands of people using SPEAK resources praying and campaigning on the same thing and the same time! Just think of the impact, reflect on the bible verse:
"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20
Below is a list of the things we are asking of the link persons:
1/ To do a 10-15 minute notice or brief talk and lead prayer about justice issue in your Community group, church or cell group every 2 months.
2/ Inform yourself on the issue a little in advance
3/ email or social media SPEAK and let us know you have taken the link people action.