Fish is a man of great stamina, but covering all those miles is more than one man can achieve. We want as many people as possible to take to their bikes, gathering sponsors and setting out to call for justice in the world around you. Along the way, we want you to be on the lookout for ways that you can call for justice, and share SPEAK with as many people as possible.
Here are some suggestions:
- Cycle to a protest, or even to a site of historical protest.
- Arrange a SPEAK event in a neighbouring town, and cycle to get there (and back!).
- Cycle to meet your MP.
- Pledge to cycle to every SPEAK meeting this year.
- Jump on your bike to get to Vocal Training.
Just set yourself up with a sponsorship form on Charity Giving. Then let us know where you're planning to go, and what you're planning to do!
And if your legs aren't up to all that work, you can still get involved. Contact us if you think you could host an event, or visit Charity Giving to sponsor us!
Most of all want as many people as possible to get involved! So if there's anything you think you can do, get in touch!